Everything we do at St martin’s Church is made possible by your giving.
There are various ways you can give to St Martin’s and support our ministry.
St Martin’s is a charity that is financed by the generous giving of our church family. We are almost completely dependent on money given to us to keep our ministry, and our presence in the heart of East Horsley, going. It costs in the region of £2,500 per week to cover the cost of running our church and our outreach work. If you consider St Martin’s to be your church, but are not yet giving monthly, we would encourage you to join the Parish Giving Scheme (see below). If you are one of our regular givers then let us take this opportunity to thank you.
We encourage everyone to review their giving regularly.
You can give to St Martin’s in the following ways:
The Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme is an efficient way to make regular donations and ensures that the parish receives gift aid income on a monthly basis.
Please click HERE for more details. To download an enrolment form please click HERE. You can also join by clicking HERE.
To join the Parish Giving Scheme or to make a one-off donation please click on the button below.
- You can make a small donation by text. Text MARTIN to 70085 to donate £10.
- You may also consider making a gift to St Martin’s via your will. Legacies can be one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support mission and ensure the Gospel is preached to future generations here. Legacies have enabled us to develop many areas of church life and make improvements to our church buildings. Wills can be a very effective and tax-efficient way of giving, and they are relatively easy and inexpensive to arrange. For more information please download a copy of our Legacy Leaflet HERE.
If you need more information about Planned Giving or a Legacy please contact our Stewardship Secretary via the parish office (
Thank you for your support