
Welcome to St Martin’s

St Martin’s has been at the centre of parish life in East Horsley for nearly a thousand years.  We worship in a beautiful historic church and are blessed to have excellent facilities in this beautiful part of Surrey.

Everyone is welcome at St Martin’s and there is a lot going on for people of all ages and stages of their journey of faith.  We are a growing  Inclusive Church and hope you will feel at home with us.  We work hard to ensure that our services are varied and we offer a mix of traditional and contemporary worship.  Most of our services are streamed live on YouTube.

Please do explore our website to find out about our Sunday services, children’s work and mid-week activities.

If you are on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter do follow us!

Renos Pittarides
Rector of East Horsley

t:01483 283713

News Letter

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St Martin's Online

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St Martin’s Church

Ockham Road South, East Horsley, KT24 6RL

t: 01483 654263

e: parishoffice@easthorsleychurch.org.uk

Sunday Services
8.00 am  Holy Communion: Weekly
10.30am  Family Service: 1st Sunday of the month
10.30am  Parish Communion: 2nd – 5th
Sundays in the month

Smarties Children’s Church 

10.30am: During services of Holy Communion (see above)

Wednesday Service
10.00am  Holy Communion

Thursday Service 

9.00pm Compline on Zoom

Saturday Service
9.00 am Morning Prayer